Each year, millions and millions of students join the police force to serve the country and its people. The latest report says that more than 10, 00,000 students appear for SSC and IPS exams each year to become Police Officers. There are also several entrance exams held every year for candidates applying for various positions. After completing the written exams candidates need to appear on a physical test round in order to become an eligible police officers. In this article, we have prepared a brief overview of everything you need to know if you want to become a police officer. So, let’s start with some quick facts about this career option.
You need to pursue various Undergraduate and Postgraduate Criminology Courses such as Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement and so more in order to become a Police Officer. The average course fees range starts from INR 20,000 and can increase up to INR 1, 20,000. You can earn a starting salary of INR 30,000 after finishing the course which will gradually increase with experience, expertise, and knowledge.
Skills required becoming a successful Police Officer:
You need the following skills to become an eligible police office-
- Critical Thinking
- Problem-Solving Skills
- Communication Skills
- Physical Fitness
- Interpersonal Skills
- Strong Moral Character
Fig 1: 5 reasons to become a Police Officer
Industries you can work as a Police Officer:
If you become an eligible Police Officer, then you can work in any of the below-given industries-
- Criminal Investigation Department
- Private investigator
- Crime scene investigator
- Law enforcement investigator
- Local Police force
- Specialist Operations
- Drugs Squad
- Traffic Department
- Firearms Branch and so more.
Eligibility criteria of a Police Officer:
At first, you need to complete your 12th / UG/ PG in any subject/ stream from any recognized school to apply for any job role in this field. You are eligible to become a police officer after clearing the exam and physical test. The age limit for the class 12th applicants is 18 years and for UG applicants the age limit is 21 years and the upper age limit should be 25 years.
Career Opportunities of Police Officers:
You can work as a Private Investigator, Law Enforcement Instructors, Crime Scene Investigator, Personal Trainer, Local Police Force, SP, DSP, The Ministry of Defence Police and Specialist Forces, and so more.
Steps for Becoming a Police Officer:
- You should prepare yourself for Staff Selection Commission and Civil Services Exam conducted by UPSC after making the decision to join the police force. You need to be physically fit as well.
- You don’t need to choose a particular subject to join this field. You can apply with any stream or subject choice.
- After that, you need to appear in an exam conducted by the State Selection Commission (SSC) in every state of India.
- After passing all the exams, you need to stay ready for the physical performance round where your physical abilities and fitness will be checked. This round is equally important as other written exams.
Average Salary of a Police Officer:
If you are working for the government as a police officer, then you can earn INR 6,00,000- INR 6,50,000 per annum and if you are working in a private organization, then your salary will be INR 4,00,000- INR 5,50,000 per annum.
So, this is all you need to know if you decide to become a police officer. If you have any suggestions or recommendations regarding this article, then please feel free to share them with us. We will try to come up with more updated information on the following subject.